

HIIT Pilates

We know Pilates is great for core strength, mobility and toning the whole body and HIIT for cardio conditioning and calorie burn, so combining the two may be the ultimate fitness combination!

This 45 minute class will be done on mats and may incorporate props such as 1.5kg dumbbells.

Mat Pilates

Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise that consists of precise moves and specific breathing techniques, aiming to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment, mobility and flexibility. Classes generally consist of a series of muscular strength and endurance exercises that can be modified to various intensity levels depending on your ability and goals.

Stick Mobility

Stick Mobility

Stick Mobility is a training system that improves your flexibility, strength, and coordination through exercises using the orange Stick Mobility custom-designed Training Sticks.

The system combines joint mobilisation, strength training, and active stretching which makes it fantastic for improving mobility for ease of everyday functional movements.